Справка о выходе из российского гражданства в Израиле



Certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship in Israel

A certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship in Israel may be required abroad in a number of cases involving legal, financial and administrative matters. The main situations in which it may be necessary to present this certificate include:

1. Formalizing citizenship of another country

Many countries, especially those that prohibit or restrict dual citizenship, require applicants to renounce their previous citizenship in order to obtain a new one. In these cases, a certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship will be required as confirmation that the person is no longer a Russian citizen.

Справка о выходе из российского гражданства в Израиле

Examples of countries where renunciation of previous citizenship is mandatory for naturalization:
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• Germany: Most cases of German citizenship require renunciation of other citizenship, and a certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship may be necessary to complete the naturalization process.

• Austria: This country requires renunciation of previous citizenship to obtain Austrian citizenship.

• Spain: May also require renunciation of previous citizenship in the process of obtaining a Spanish passport, although exceptions are made for some countries.

2. Issuance of visas or residence permits

Some countries may require a certificate of renunciation of citizenship to apply for long-term residence permits or special visas, especially if the country has limited relations with Russia or applies sanctions against it. The renunciation of citizenship can serve as proof that a person is no longer bound by rights and obligations to Russia.

3. Aavoidance of dual citizenship

If the country in which a person resides prohibits or restricts dual citizenship, local authorities may require proof of renunciation of Russian citizenship to legalize your status. This may apply in cases where:
• A person has obtained citizenship of another country and needs to confirm the renunciation of Russian citizenship in order to avoid problems with the law.
• This is required to fulfill the legal conditions of residency in the country.

4. Formalization of work in public positions

In some countries, one citizenship – of the country of residence – is required to work in government positions. Having a second citizenship, including Russian citizenship, may be an obstacle to employment in government positions or in strategically important companies. A certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship may be required in the following cases:
• To run for public office.
• To work for the public authorities, police, army or security.
• For employment with large companies that have contractual relationships with government agencies.

5. Formalization of social security and benefits

Some countries may require renunciation of foreign citizenship in order to receive certain types of social assistance, pensions or benefits. In such cases, a certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship may be required for:
• Social pension or benefits in the country of residence.
• Receiving health care if it is only available to citizens of a particular country.
• Access to government benefits not available to dual citizenship holders.

6. Simplification of financial transactions and tax residency

Banking and financial institutions in some countries may be required to disclose a customer’s nationality as part of financial compliance and anti-money laundering requirements. Due to the sanctions against Russia and increased financial supervision, possession of Russian citizenship may complicate interactions with banks. In such cases, a certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship may be required for:
• Opening bank accounts or investments.
• Simplification of tax status and confirmation of tax residency in another country.
• Reducing the risks of blocking accounts or assets related to sanctions against Russians.

7. Resolution of inheritance and property issues

Some countries may require a certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship in order to process an inheritance or transfer real estate. This may happen if:
• There is legislation in place that restricts the ownership of real estate or property to foreign nationals.
• Documents are needed to settle inheritance matters, especially if large assets or disputed situations are involved.

8. Registration of marriage and change of marital status

In some cases, a certificate may be required to register a marriage or change marital status in a country where the marriage may affect citizenship or inheritance rights. For example, certain types of marriage contracts or marriage to government officials may require proof that a person does not have foreign citizenship, including Russian citizenship.

9. Avoiding political or legal problems

In the context of international tensions and sanctions against Russia, some citizens may face negative attitudes on the part of state authorities of other countries or even legal problems. Relinquishing Russian citizenship and having a certificate to that effect can serve as proof that a person is no longer associated with the Russian authorities and is no longer under their jurisdiction.


A certificate of renunciation of Russian citizenship in Israel may be needed in various situations abroad – from obtaining new citizenship and employment in the civil service to resolving financial and property issues. It helps to avoid dual citizenship, tax and legal problems, and also provides simplified interaction with local authorities and financial institutions.


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