Ребенок от первого брака в Израиле СТУПРО


Child from first marriage in Israel STUPRO

Status in Israel for children of Jewish spouses from previous marriages

The process of obtaining status in Israel for children of Jewish spouses from previous marriages (stepchildren) is governed by the Family Reunification Law and the internal procedures of the Israeli Ministry of Interior (Misrad Apnim). The process has its own specifics and requirements.

Ребенок от первого брака в Израиле СТУПРО

Basic terms and conditions

1. Marriage: The child’s parent must be legally married to a Jew eligible for repatriation or already an Israeli citizen.
2. Age: The child must be a minor (under 18 years of age) at the time of application.
3. Cohabitation: The child must live with the parent and his/her Jewish spouse.
4. Purpose: Spouses should be responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of the child.
5. No obstacles: No criminal history or threat to Israel’s security.

Procedure for obtaining status

1. Document Preparation: Gathering all necessary documents (see below).
2. Submission of an application:
– If the family is outside Israel: to the Israeli consulate in the country of residence.
– If the family is already in Israel: to the nearest office of the Population and Immigration Authority.
3. Interviews: Conducting interviews with family members to authenticate relationships.
4. Consideration of the application: Misrad Apnim examines the documents and makes a decision.
5. Obtaining a visa/status:
– A visa is issued for entry into Israel.
– After entry, a temporary residence permit (usually A/5 visa) is issued.

Required documents

1. A completed application for family reunification.
2. Passports of all family members (copies and originals).
3. Child’s birth certificate.
4. A marriage certificate of the parent’s marriage to the Jewish spouse.
5. Documents proving the spouse’s Jewishness (birth certificate, ketubah, etc.).
6. Divorce papers of the child’s parent from the previous spouse.
7. Consent of the other biological parent for the child to move to Israel (if applicable).
8. A certificate of no criminal record for all family members over 14 years of age.
9. Medical certificates.
10. Evidence of cohabitation and child support (school records, financial statements, etc.).
11. Photographs of the family, confirming family relationships.

Ребенок от первого брака в Израиле СТУПРО

Possible problems and process features

1. Duration of the procedure: The process can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more.
2. Rigorous relationship verification: the CBMW carefully verifies the authenticity of family relationships.
3. Difficulties with Second Parent Consent: If the second biological parent does not consent to the child’s move, it can make the process much more difficult.
4. Age Limitations: If a child turns 18 during the application process, this may result in a denial.
5. Proof of cohabitation: Additional evidence may be required to show that the child is actually living with the family.
6. Document problems: Incomplete documents or doubts about their authenticity can lead to delays or rejection.
7. Changes in marital status: Divorce or the death of one spouse during the process can complicate matters.
8. Entry Restrictions: In some cases, temporary restrictions on entry into Israel may apply.

Important notes

• The status of the child is usually tied to the status of the non-Jewish parent and can be changed if the status of the parent changes.
• Once a temporary residence permit has been issued, it will need to be renewed regularly.
• Permanent status or citizenship can be obtained after several years of residence in Israel and after certain conditions have been met.
• If denied, you can appeal, but the process can be complicated and time-consuming.
• It is advisable to contact an attorney specializing in Israeli immigration law, especially in complex cases.

As part of our topic Child from First Marriage in Israel STUPRO, it is important to remember that each case is considered individually, and having all the necessary documents does not guarantee a favorable decision. Misrad Apnim reserves the right to request additional documents or information during the application process.

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