Прочие юридические услуги в Израиле


Other legal services in Israel

We offer you the following service: Other legal services in Israel

• Assistance in obtaining an electronic visa to the USA for citizens of Israel and Poland
• Official work permit in Israel for refugees from Russia and Ukraine with a 2a5 visa (“blue paper”)
• Notarization of Israeli documents in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Samara and other cities of Russia
• Declaration of cohabitation (tatsir yeduyim ba-tzibur) for arnona rebate
• Drafting small claims against employers in Israel
• Appealing refusals by the Israeli Ministry of Interior to recognize marriages without exit in Utah
• Drafting a defense response to a small claim (ktav agana be tviyot ktanot)
• Drafting a statement of claim in an Israeli small claims court (beit mishpat le tviot ktanot)
• Registration of Israeli companies in the name of foreign citizens, including those staying in Israel illegally, without a visa, under refugee status
• Registration of an Israeli company on a Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian passport
• Opening and registering a business in Israel in the absence of a valid visa
To use: Other legal services in Israel, contact us: Our contacts

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