Примеры нотариальных переводов иностранных документов на иврит


Examples of notarized translations of foreign documents into Hebrew

Here are some examples of notarized translations of foreign documents into Hebrew.

• Hebrew translation of the certificate of the liquidator of the Chernobyl NPP consequences (from Russian and/or Ukrainian)
• Translation into Hebrew of a criminal record certificate from Armenia
• Translation into Hebrew of a permit for a child to travel to Israel for permanent residence
• Hebrew translation of the child’s father’s consent to obtain Israeli citizenship
• Hebrew translation of power of attorney from the father of the child
• Hebrew translation of consent for DNA testing
• Hebrew translation

Примеры нотариальных переводов иностранных документов на иврит
To use our service: Notarized translations of Israeli documents from Hebrew into foreign languages contact us for prices and terms: Our contacts

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