Истребование и перевод на иврит документов для получения израильского гражданства или вида на жительство в Израиле по репатриации, СТУПРО и объединению семей


Solicitation and translation into Hebrew of documents for obtaining Israeli citizenship or residency in Israel for repatriation, STUPRO and family unification.

We offer you a service: Requesting and translating into Hebrew documents for obtaining Israeli citizenship or residence permit in Israel for repatriation, STUPRO and family unification.

Citizens of the former Soviet Union who plan to repatriate to Israel, undergo the STUPRO (retention of Israeli citizenship) procedure, or obtain a residence permit (TPL) or permanent residence permit (PRP), often need to request various official documents from their countries of origin. These documents are required to prove status, citizenship, family ties and other important aspects of their lives.

Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents, certificates, certificates of other countries:

• Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents from Russia for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Israel
• Receipt and notarized translation into Hebrew of any documents from Ukraine for STUPRO
• Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents from Armenia for the Ministry of Interior of Israel
• Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents from Poland for the Ministry of Interior of Israel
• Obtaining and notarizing Hebrew translation of any documents from America for repatriation to Israel
• Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents from Moldova for the Ministry of Interior of Israel
• Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents from Uzbekistan for the Ministry of Interior of Israel
• Obtaining and notary translation into Hebrew of any documents from Georgia for the Ministry of Interior of Israel

Истребование и перевод на иврит документов для получения израильского гражданства или вида на жительство в Израиле по репатриации, СТУПРО и объединению семей

Documents that are most often requested:

1. Birth Certificates:
o Confirm a person’s identity and nationality, as well as origin, which is critical for repatriation under the Law of Return in Israel.
o Birth certificates are also required for children or relatives to prove Jewish ancestry.
2. Marriage certificates:
o Necessary to confirm family status, especially if one is repatriating with a spouse or reuniting with family in Israel.
o Sometimes required to confirm official marriage to obtain residence permit status for spouses of Israeli citizens.
3. Certificates of divorce:
o Required to confirm a change in marital status if the marriage was previously dissolved.
o Useful in remarriages to eliminate dual status.
4. Death certificates:
o Necessary to confirm the fact of death of relatives in cases of inheritance cases or to eliminate possible legal contradictions.
5. Certificates of no criminal record:
o Mandatory to prove a clean legal status when applying for residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship.
o Such certificates are requested from the Israeli Ministry of Interior (MOI) and their absence may delay the process.
6. Civil Status Certificates:
o Used to confirm current status (single/unmarried, married/married, etc.) in cases where it is important for legal and migration issues.
7. Educational credentials:
o Diplomas and certificates from the former Soviet Union are required to prove educational attainment, which may be important for employment or to prove qualifications for repatriation status.
8. Military ID:
o May be required to verify service or lack thereof, especially for male repatriates.
9. Documents proving Jewish ancestry:
o This can be metrics, registry office records or other archival documents from the USSR, confirming the nationality of parents or grandparents. Proof of Jewish roots is required for repatriation to Israel under the Law of Return.
10. Real Estate Documents:
o May be required to confirm title to a property when selling it before moving, or for legal matters in Israel.
11. Archived Documents:
o Records from various government archives (e.g., church records or resettlement documents) that may confirm nationality, ancestry, or important historical facts about the family’s life.
12. Name Change Certificates:
o Important if a person has changed his or her surname or first name and this is not shown in other documents, which is common among immigrants from the former Soviet Union.
13. Retirement documents:
o Confirm length of service and pension eligibility, which can be important when applying for social benefits in Israel.

What these documents are required for in Israel:

1. Repatriation procedure (under the Law of Return):
o Israel requires proof of Jewish roots in order to grant citizenship. Birth certificates, marriage certificates, archival documents about the nationality of the parents – all these documents play a key role.
2. STUPRO procedure (retention of citizenship):
o For Israeli citizens who have lived abroad for a long time, family status documents, birth certificates and criminal records are required to prove their status to the Israeli authorities.
3. Obtaining residence permit and residence permit for foreigners:
o Foreigners who are married to Israeli citizens must provide marriage certificates, criminal records and other documents in order to obtain temporary or permanent residence permits.
4. Legalization of documents:
o In order to use these documents in Israel, they must be legalized (apostille) or notarized and translated into Hebrew with notarization. Legalization confirms that the document is legally binding in Israel.

The reclamation and legalization process:

• Many documents need to be claimed from government agencies in the former Soviet Union. This can be a time-consuming process, especially for those who emigrated long ago.
• Once the documents are received, they must be legalized (if the country is not a member of the Hague Apostille Convention) and translated into Hebrew for submission to the Israeli Interior Ministry or other government agencies.

Thus, for successful repatriation, citizenship issues or obtaining residence permits and permanent residency in Israel, citizens of the former Soviet Union often need a wide range of documents. Professional assistance of lawyers and notaries can significantly speed up the process and help avoid mistakes in the process of claiming and legalizing these documents.

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