Мальдивы запретили въезд гражданам Израиля


The Maldives has once again banned entry to Israeli citizens, but most Israelis aren’t bothered by this at all. We explain why…

Reasons for another ban and political context

Recently, international relations between various countries have been the subject of lively discussions. This is particularly true of the decision of the Maldives to ban entry of citizens with Israeli passports. This decision has raised many questions and speculations about its causes and consequences.

Мальдивы запретили въезд гражданам Израиля

The main reason why the Maldives took this decision is the current military situation in Gaza. Maldives President Mohamed Muizzou, at the insistence of the government, announced a ban on the entry of citizens with Israeli passports. The decision was announced by the country’s Minister of Internal Security and Technology Ali Ihsan during a press conference.

Yes, the Maldives is officially a Muslim country and their decision can be seen in the context of their religious and political beliefs. In April, the Maldives Foreign Ministry formally called on the UN Security Council to support the admission of the State of Palestine as a full member. This position reflects the Maldives’ long-term support for the Palestinian people and its desire for self-determination.

What conclusions can be drawn? At first glance, it would seem that the Maldives’ decision is complex and multifaceted, and reflects not only current international conflicts but also deeply held religious and political beliefs, and will have long-term implications for international relations and tourism. But is it…

Will there be a fundamental change for Israelis’ tourism?

The Maldives is known as a popular tourist destination and many publications were quick to report that this decision will have a significant impact both on the tourism industry as a whole and on the choice restrictions of Israelis. The latter will have to stop considering the Maldives as a potential vacation destination and start frantically searching for alternative tourist destinations.


Let us reveal the truth. The fact is that unlike cold Russia, whose inhabitants are traditionally accustomed to dream about sea resorts in warm countries, palm trees, azure skies, turquoise lagoons, sandy beaches, Israel has it all. The country boasts access to three seas: the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Dead Sea, and additionally the magnificent Galilee/Tiberias Lake Kinneret, which, by the way, since biblical times is also considered a sea. Sandy beaches, year-round warmth, sunshine, fruits and palm trees everywhere, so Israelis are not surprised by resorts, unlike the residents of the middle part of Russia, Ukraine or Belarus, who are hungry for warmth.

Красивая израильтянка на пляже Калифорнии

Let’s face it, in the eyes of spoiled sun and sea inhabitants of Israel, Maldives is just another Asian resort like Pattaya, so to fly to the Maldives for vacation for Israelis is like seven miles of sour grapes. Even Israeli glamorous ladies, zealously following the level of everything that happens in their lives and actively displayed in social networks have long preferred the Maldives to Florida and California, good to get an American visa with an Israeli passport (darcon) and before that was not difficult, and now it is even easier, because long ago works 📌 Visa-free entry to the U.S. for Israelis.

But even if there are Israelis willing to visit the Maldives, the above-mentioned pathetic demonstrative boycott will affect few, because almost every Israeli has a second (and even third) citizenship. Recall that Israel is one of the few countries that allows its citizens to obtain any second citizenship without renouncing their Israeli citizenship. Many Israelis also have a second passport: Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish, Austrian, German, Portuguese, Romanian, Moldovan, Latvian, Latvian, Estonian, etc., so they should leave their Israeli document at home and fly to the Maldives on their second passport. The most important thing is not to forget that tickets to the Maldives and some Arab countries must be booked using your second passport, not the Israeli darcon.

Мальдивы запретили въезд гражданам Израиля

And yet, despite all its pathetic and comical nature, the new Maldivian boycott of Israeli passports once again reminds all of us that there are no extra passports, and, given the new world trends and realities, it makes sense even for native Israelis to worry in advance about obtaining a second citizenship in addition to the Israeli one, preferably of some European country that is a member of the EU and Schengen.

For example, many Jews and natives of the former Soviet Union have some Polish roots in their family (not necessarily by nationality, often by the citizenship of some of their ancestors), which allows them to claim European citizenship, because Polish citizenship automatically means a residence permit in any EU country with the right to work and free education in local public schools and universities (you may be interested in: 📌Refugee status in Poland for Israelis with Ukrainian citizenship, 📌Immigration from Israel to the European Union. Residence permits and permanent residency in the EU for Israelis and Russians with Polish roots).

Additional legal advice for the traveler

It is always worth remembering that as of 2023, 28 countries around the world have not recognized Israel’s sovereignty. Eighteen of them do not allow Israeli citizens to enter their territories. When planning your travels around the world, always remember that you may have problems when entering the territory of: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Djibouti, Indonesia, Iraq, DPRK, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, Yemen.

Keep in mind that six states on the list above will not let in non-Israelis who have any ties to Israel, such as proof of travel to Israel or an Israeli visa in their passport. They are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Malaysia, Yemen, and Pakistan. Since these states do not recognize Israel, its stamps, according to them, make the passport invalid.

Formally, the mentioned boycott is also supported by Qatar, Bahrain and Yemen, but in practice, travelers with Israeli stamps in their passports almost never have problems crossing their borders.

To avoid problems, we advise you to ask the Israeli border guard to stamp the border crossing not on a page of your passport, but on a special form (you should keep it until your return flight). You can also simply apply for a new passport without Israeli stamps.

Куда не пустят с израильским паспортом

Maldives banned entry of Israeli citizens – only an abridged interview with Israeli attorney Eugene Reznikov and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions on this topic – we recommend you to get a full consultation with a lawyer: Contact Us

A list of licensed Israeli attorneys can be found on the official website of the Israel Bar Association at: israelbar.org.il

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